Monday, April 03, 2006


I believe that each one of us have a primary right as well as a responsibility to define ourselves and to live by our own core values-- provided that our actions do not interfere with the way that other human beings have chosen to live their lives. Let's pretend that each of us has a orchard of the particular fruit that we might prefer.

I happen to prefer pears to apples. Just because I prefer pears to apples, that does not give me the okay to go burn down the apple orchards in my neighborhood or in the universe. When the dominant culture or most vocal culture of any society seizes the opportunity and self-imposed obligation to convert all orchards to those bearing the fruit that they happen to prefer, the rights of people belonging to sub-cultures or minority groups get ignored or trampled on. Or worse, those who do not belong to the dominant or most vocal culture get treated as extra-legal-- existing outside of the protection afforded by the laws. How is this justice?

As an adult, however I define myself and express my core values is and should be my own process. In order to be true to myself, I must become willing to embrace all that I am. In a just society, my pear trees would not pose a threat to anyone with an apple orchard. In an unjust society, others take it upon themselves to convert me away from my true nature.

When I say to you that I am a pagan or in recovery or bisexual or a friend to vampires or living with a disability, those things are NOT open to discussion geared towards talking me out of my true self. I do not proclaim any of these things for society's approval. I am beyond your approval.

I am who I am and we are who we are.


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