Monday, April 02, 2007

BRAIN FOG 4/2/07

While surfing around Medscape, I found a reference to this website about Post-Polio Sequelae:
The open letter to physicians is worth reading.

Along the left-hand side are tabs, one of which will take you to the library.
The library hosts links to a variety of articles, some of which deal with similarities found between the fatigue that a Post-Polio Sequelae patient experiences and the fatigue associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Also mentioned in the articles is the brain fog which I have become very well-acquainted with in my own struggle with fibro courtesy of traumatic brain injury.

Although the articles are not specifically written about T.B.I., they are worth reading. Folks who have sleeping problems or fibro not associated with t.b.i. will also find a visit to the site worthwhile.

sapphoq healing tbi

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