Saturday, March 03, 2007


Restless, that is me. Twitching, unable to be still in my own spirit.
Touching the things that give me connection, and yet a desire to
be away, away, away. Now I must seek out the counsel of those
who perhaps have logical thinking skills that I lack. I want to buy
a ticket for a month-long bustrip. See Amerika! Take pictures
with my digital camera through the windshield. Maybe find a
temp job in New Orleans. Then head West. California here I come.
Bring back some sand. Stop in Minnesota and small-town living.
Could I? Should I? When I was whole-- blank there. I cannot
even proceed with the question. No. Is there another way to
possess the freedom of my daydreaming without uprooting
my stability? Will I miss out? New Orleans the obsession.
I miss her bright shining like the sun. She rises out of the River
calling me home. My feet are itching. Or maybe a mere fungal
infection settling in calling for yellowed medicated powder.

sapphoq healing tbi

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