Saturday, March 03, 2007


Caroline Cassels for Medscape Medical News reports on results of a study* which demonstrated that hospital admission rates for traumatic brain injuries [t.b.i.] increased from 2002 to 2003. The rates of hospitalization were 79/100,000 and 87.9/100,000 respectively. Motor vehicle accidents remained at the top with 32.1/100,000. Falls were a close second at 29.8/100,000. At third place, assaults were at 7.1/100,000. Rates of hospitalizations were highest for older men over the age of 75 and lowest for children.

64.9% of the patients were discharged home with no care or with unskilled assistance, 3.7% home with home health care, 9% to residential health-care facilities, and 7.7% to rehabs. 6.8% of in-patient hospital admissions died before discharge.

It is noted that the study's limitations were due to:
Preadmission deaths that might have been TBI-related.
Persons treated and discharged from emergency departments
Persons who sought care in outpatient clinics and physicians' offices.
Persons who did not seek medical care after injury." [end of direct quote]

*Authored by V.G. Coronado, MD, K.E. Thomas, and S.R. Kegler, PhD

sapphoq healing t.b.i.

MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
. 2007;56:167-170.

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