Saturday, January 20, 2007


I was in a car accident. My head hurts.
Here, lets take x-rays of your ribs.
Oh, nothing broken there.
Go home and rest...
They forgot to check off that I might have a concussion on the emergency aftercare form.
My car was hit so hard that it got runned into a house leaving a hole in the foundation.

I was in a car accident. My head hurts.
You are just a bit sore.
I'll give you a week off of work...

I was in a car accident. My head hurts.
I can't read the letters on the eye chart. It looks like Chinese.
You are near-sighted in one eye.
Assistant, write down "post-head trauma" on the form...
That was how I found out.

I was in a car accident. My head still hurts.
Put your hand on your head and push against it.
That sort of exercise works wonders...

Welcome to my world.

Fortunately, I fought until I found competent medical care.

sapphoq healing tbi

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