Monday, May 20, 2013

Resignation Letter

I am not here to service your false ego.  

You are a lawyer with a position.  With several positions and a blog.  Every lawyer has a blog.  You relish your blog and your positions.  Your positions give you face recognition [at least among those (unlike me) who are not face-blind].  You are on a very important board.  You rub hands with the uber-elite.  You are the chair of another board which happens to be composed of mostly women.  They make a lot less money than you do.  You feel stuffed with your importance.

I am not here to service your false ego.

You are a counselor with an experience.  You worked with t.b.i.-ers in a home once for a few years before you went back to school and made it big.  You can drop names.  Your names and your singular experience don't interest me.  I am indifferent to them.

I am not here to service your false ego.

You are a pretend doctor.  You got your doctorate from one of those mail-order schools.  You write on a fifth grade level.  For thirty five pages of your "book" and a hundred bucks, you got a doctorate.  The insurance companies pay you as if you actually did the work.  Sadly, you are not the only one who did that.  There are others who have pretend doctorates too.  They may write better than you do but the principle is the same.

I am not here to service your false ego.

Whoever you are or whoever you think you are does not matter to me.  I am no one's whore.  Find someone else to do it.  I quit.

sapphoq healing t.b.i. 


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