Monday, December 04, 2006

traumatic brain injury healing 12/4/06

first, remember--
or write it down if you cannot remember--
your brain has been altered.

you are no longer the who
of who you used to be.
instead, you are altered
along with your brain.

second, remember--
or write it down if you cannot remember--
magic is healing
but not the way you want it to be.

after a time, you may remember
more about what is really important
and less about the labels
and the things
that cause bleeding
and pain.

after a time, your magic will fly
again and you will laugh,
but only after a time.

third, remember--
or write it down if you cannot remember--
that you are courage

and yes, it takes lots of courage
to dream new dreams.

Author's Notes: To those who know of the healing I speak,
who dare to dream new dreams,
who are willing to learn how to thrive in spite of,
who live in the silence ever more.

Spirit flies when we fly.

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