Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I was carrying a pail to the kitchen sink.  On the way, I dropped it.  It upended and I spent the next 30 minutes cleaning up.  Fortunately it was "only water."  The water was dirty but even so, there are worst things I could have dumped onto the floor.

Out came the paper towels, mop, more paper towels.  A mess.  The floor is now [finally] drying but the garbage can is full of sopping paper towels.  Three rolls of paper towels.  It was after all a lot of water.

Pre-accident, my brain was a bit sharper when the unexpected happened.  I would not have had to stop and think through my options.  Somehow, [I believe] my cleaning up would have been less haphazard, more efficient, quicker.  Still, I got the job done.  

Pre-accident, many actions were more automatic.  I have to think things through now.  Even simple things like where to put my feet when negotiating a corner require extra thinking steps.  I am a somewhat clumsier version of my old self with a few twists.  Briella, my post-injured brain, is still brilliant although a bit sideways.

I may not be able to do things in the same manner as I used to do them.  I am, however, still able to get the job done.  Today, that will have to be good enough.

sapphoq on healing t.b.i.

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