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I was a bit fatigued and consequently not able to play the good grateful consumer role. That is what happens when I am called too early in the morning. I suck at that particular role anyways. My irritable brain makes that role damned near impossible to pull off on a good day.
VESID is helping to wreck the R.C.I.L.s. I read something like that somewheres and I am believing it. The Independent Living Centers in their truest grassroots form are supposed to be teaching us to do it for ourselves, not providing services to do it for us. Ah, my t.b.i. verbosity again. That is a thought to be developed and explored and researched on some other day. Yup, I'm angry. Today is the day that I am in. And today I am angry enough to take a break from seeking out more lindens to play with on secondlife and write this inane little driveling essay. The word essay comes from the French. This essay is my attempt to sort through things.
I asked this morning. Which one are you? Job handler, Employment Consultant, job developer. I was introduced to her by the first title, the most recent communication was signed off with the second title, VESID literature available on-line refers to the third title. In all of this mess, I wanted one straight answer. Indeed, the third title is the official one. Sigh. That led to my observation of what I remember how job developers worked in two neighboring counties when I was running group homes. Which led to her hot defense that she had called the one hospital and gotten nowhere (so she had told me before) and that she had called two other hospitals (oh really?) because I had "seemed interested in working in that setting." She went on to use her hot two dollar words like job carving. Not in this county. If it doesn't apply, let it fly.
The other straight answer-- sort of-- is "right now your case is on Hold but it cannot be on Hold Forever." I don't recall asking for forever. The words she had zeroed in on during my most recent vertigo attack was "getting worse." She had documented this. Of course, she reported this to the VESID Counselor and of course on the recommendation of a puny job developer I am now required to get a note for a two week attack of vertigo. The last three docs I visited within the last three weeks did not seem overly impressed by this. Logically vertigo is worse during an attack. Duh. I wasn't clear enough in my despair immediately after my attack apparently. I think it would not have mattered if I had been.
Benign Positional Vertigo. I found myself explaining this unasked. I informed the job handler that the vertigo is in my records, that surely someone from VESID should not have been surprised by the attack which is standard operating procedure and akin to having the flu. My position remains the same. If VESID has concern about my vertigo interfering with my employability, then perhaps VESID should pay for a work-up. The idea of having to get a doctor's note for having "the flu" is a requirement manufactured out of the brain of someone who is not familiar with medical terminology. It is a ridiculous requirement. I spike declare it to be so. In my unprofessional unasked for opinion, this idea of having to get a doctor's note is stupid. Next time I have a vertigo attack or any other transient business-as-usual medical thing, they can find out by reading this blog. Because I sure as fuck am not going to tell them. Damn them all. I have an appointment with the E.N.T. doc who follows my sleep apnea in June or July. The E.N.T. doc can write the note. The job developer can write that down in her report for the VESID counselor. Screw it.
I have years of experience in human services. I have some really nifty computer skills. VESID's emphasis from the beginning has been to get me into a job as soon as possible. Hang my application for the 55b/c state program. The shrink who follows my t.b.i. as well as my t.b.i. exacerbated major depression said to wait for that to come through. Somehow my wish to have a job coach lined up specifically for a 55b/c position got lost in the VESID mandates. Fuck it all. Let my own individuality and self-determination hang on the clothesline that is the ghetto where the dreams of the disabled are murdered. I refuse to live in that ghetto.
Listening to Peter Kahrmann (on the B.I.A-N.Y.S. board) talk about the brain injury itself making things difficult and how we are not our brain injuries coalesced into my determination not to live in the ghetto. The job developer didn't tell me in so many words to apply for entry-level positions because nothing in human services was coming through for me. She didn't tell me to settle. She didn't say I had to just take any job for the sake of the VESID mission statement. I internalized that idea from somewhere. Quite frankly, traumatic brain injury is an insurance liability. So here I go all dressed up with my need for ankle braces and possibly a cane, hat, glasses, inability to multi-task, a bit of expressive aphasia, don't lift more than ten pounds, don't reach overhead, vertigo, fatigue, out of work for over four years due to a car accident which was not my fault, and who knows w.t.f. the last place is saying about me-- pen at the ready. Hire me. I can't even get a gig delivering newspapers. And I want out of the disability wasteland that I have been consigned to. Yeah right. Yes, that is correct. Up and out. Watch me.
This isn't working for me. As Nathaniel Branden declares, "Doing more of what doesn't work doesn't work." VESID jerked me around for several years before I even got to see a job handler. VESID jerking me around has been VESID's standard operating procedure. Me jerking VESID around gets me labeled hostile, uncooperative, and difficult. I am hostile. To that I will admit. I suspect that most people faced with the loss of a career would not want to be cooperative while being jerked around, even if some lack the gumption to fight it. Difficult? I am not difficult. My brain injury is difficult. Frontal lobe damage makes self-regulation of emotions difficult when fatigued, Peter Kahrmann explained. Coffee soothes the savaged ravaged irritated lobe beasties, my brain screams at me. Coffee now DAMMIT. Oh shut up. In a few minutes.
The thing is, I don't want a job that will leave me starving in more ways than one. I want my career back. Or a new career. I have a traumatic brain injury, yes. I know I am impaired. I can even identify when my impairment sticks out in everyday life. I cannot pass for someone with typical neurology and I am not willing to. I have to do something. I have to do something else. What I've been doing isn't working. The "help" that I have gotten from VESID so far has been less than useless.
sapphoq healing t.b.i.
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