Saturday, April 14, 2007

ENDO 4/14/07

Two endocrinologists from Italy have noted a correlation between traumatic brain injury and the onset of hypopituitarism based on their literature review. Because of costs, they recommend referral to an endocrinologist on a case-by-case basis.

Post-concussion Syndrome was mentioned and the similarity between symptoms noted. Correlation does not prove causality however. The superficial sharing of symptoms on a list proves nothing.

I was not pleased by the authors' suggestion that folks in vegetative comas be thrown out and folks with mTBI be thrown out.

Why not throw everyone out except for those unfortunates with P.C.S. whose complaints are very often viewed with skepticism by the medical community on the whole and many practitioners of medicine individually?

Or why not do the research to further identify patients with traumatic brain injury who should be referred to an endocrinologist who is familiar with t.b.i.?

sapphoq healing t.b.i.

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